Jackie Snow
FGSMD, DipLCDD, AISTD (Ballet), MAAD (Acrobatics)
Historical dance, Choreographer, Movement for Actors
Jackie Snow is a choreographer, movement director and teacher of actors. For over two decades she has been training actors for both the stage and screen. She specialises in movement, acrobatics and historical dance.
Originally she trained student actors at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama before becoming Head of Movement at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.
She also works with professional actors, coaching movement and choreography. In this capacity her work includes three seasons at Shakespeare's Globe with Mark Rylance and with Peter Hall at the Rose Theatre in Kingston.
Her film and TV work includes: All Forgotten, Marie Antoinette, Quills, The New World, The Lost Prince and Boys will be Girls.
Jackie has also used her considerable skills to create custom made courses for groups as diverse as medical students needing communication skills and business people to promote teambuilding.
In 2010 Jackie was approached by Methuen Drama who needed a textbook for student actors and teachers. She has recorded her well-tested methods in A Movement Training for Actors which will be on sale in 2012.